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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Group 3 problem tree, No vaccinations available Insufficient Economic and Social Service, Rural poverty Lack of potable water, Rural poverty Declining prices of export crops, Lack of sanitation Insufficient Economic and Social Service, Lack of sanitation Widespread disease, Extreme Poverty Malnourishment of 0-5 year olds, Poor crop production Natural disaster, Declining prices of export crops Natural disaster, Large rural population Rural poverty, Insufficient Economic and Social Service Poor healthcare infrastructures, Half have income below the povery line Uneven income distribution, Half have income below the povery line Low level of education, Malnourishment of 0-5 year olds Mortality of 0-5 year olds, Dehydration Extreme Poverty, Rural poverty Extreme Poverty, Dehydration Lack of potable water, Declining prices of export crops Half have income below the povery line, Insufficient Economic and Social Service Lack of potable water, Poor crop production Rural poverty, Widespread disease No vaccinations available